What is BONSAI
Bonsai is Japanese traditional culture and a form of art of which we should be proud. Unlike a painting, which becomes a complete and static work the moment the artist puts down his or her brush, a bonsai tree is never truly complete as long as it is alive. Bonsai is a living art. There are bonsai trees which are over a thousand years old, which have been touched, loved and cared for by countless people over several periods of history.
That the Japanese people, living amidst abundant natural beauty and the four changing seasons, were able to take that scenery into their own personal space to cherish and enjoy is, I think, because of the tender, caring hearts that the Japanese people had.
Not simply putting a tree into a pot to raise and look at, bonsai is an expression of natural scenery and ones own nature. It is a vivid reflection of the artists heart and of nature itself.
Bonsai is mysterious: in spring, the cherry blossoms bloom, as they should; under high, blue autumn skies, earth-colored persimmons fruit; withstanding the cold, the pale, waxy color and faint scent of plum flowersムthese are priceless gifts, given with love, shown to us as a sign of the changing of the seasons. Everyone, have you received such a thing? A thing nearby which is filled with gratitude.
Also, there are deep shades of meaning and great stores of knowledge hidden away in the shape of the leaves or the colors of flowers, in everything that makes a plant a living thing.
Just as every single person has his or her own heart, his own individual way of living, so to do bonsai trees have their own individual hearts, their own lives.
Please, look at a bonsai tree and think to yourself, What is this tree trying to express?There is no correct answer. Whatever each individual feels in his or her heart is the answer.